Articles tagged #collaboration

How to crack a JWT token: two articles about distributed computing, ZeroMQ & Node.js
This blog post explains how to build a distributed application using Node.js and ZeroMQ that cracks JWT tokens. It provides a step-by-step guide on implementing the application and links to two in-depth articles on RisingStack that cover the theory and coding details.

Two Interviews about Node.js, JavaScript and being a book author
Luciano Mammino recently participated in two interviews discussing his work with Node.js and JavaScript as well as his experience as an author writing books about Node.js design patterns.

React on the Server for Beginners: Build a Universal React and Node App
This article explains how to build a simple Universal JavaScript application using React, React Router and Express. It shows how to implement server side rendering with React and Node.js to create an isomorphic app.

Having fun with Node.js, Slack and Chuck Norris
A tutorial was published on how to build a simple Slack bot in Node.js that tells Chuck Norris jokes, for some amusing fun. The bot is open source and available on GitHub and NPM.

Versioning and deploying a static website with Git, Flightplan and Nginx
This blog post provides a beginner's guide to managing versioning and deployment of static websites using Git for version control, Flightplan.js for automated deployment, and Nginx for serving. It outlines a simple yet complete workflow for implementing continuous delivery and rollbacks.