Articles tagged #server

Gulp and FTP: update a website "on the fly"
This tutorial explains how to use Gulp and vinyl-ftp to watch local files for changes and automatically upload updates to a website via FTP. Useful for quickly editing legacy sites only accessible through FTP.

Versioning and deploying a static website with Git, Flightplan and Nginx
This blog post provides a beginner's guide to managing versioning and deployment of static websites using Git for version control, Flightplan.js for automated deployment, and Nginx for serving. It outlines a simple yet complete workflow for implementing continuous delivery and rollbacks.

Simple echo server written in Go, dockerized!
By writing a Dockerfile we can containerize a simple Go echo server app. The Dockerfile installs Go, copies the server code, exposes the port, and defines the command to run the app. Building the Dockerfile produces an image that can be run as a container. The containerized Go app can then be easily distributed and run anywhere Docker is installed.

Reset your MySql server password
Learn how to reset a lost MySQL root password by restarting the server with disabled security checks. This allows resetting the password directly in the database. Useful when locked out but reduces security temporarily.

Backup your server with Dropbox
This post explains how to install Dropbox command line client on a Linux server, create a dedicated user and setup it as a service to have automated backups on Dropbox cloud.