Articles tagged #library

Unshorten (expand) short URLs with Node.js
This article explains how short URLs work and provides code examples to expand them in Node.js using request module or tall library. It covers basics of URL redirection, shows how to disable auto-redirect in request module, and introduces tall - a promise-based Node.js library to unshorten URLs.

Introducing Gulp cozy - Manage your gulp tasks in a cozier way
Gulp-cozy is an experimental NPM package that allows you to separate Gulp tasks into small modules inside a dedicated folder, making them easier to maintain. It brings Node.js modularity principles into your Gulp workflow.

Introducing mongo-uri-builder, a Node.js module to easily create mongodb connection strings using objects
The mongo-uri-builder Node.js package easily generates MongoDB connection strings from configuration objects, supporting features like authentication, replicas, and options. It integrates well with config for managing different environments.

Writing a new Extractor for PHPoAuthUserData
This post explains how to add support for Instagram to the PHPoAuthUserData library by writing a dedicated extractor class. It illustrates the concepts of loaders, normalizers and mapping to extract user profile data from the Instagram API.

New PHP library: PHPoAuthUserData
The PHPoAuthUserData library provides a simple interface to extract common user data like name, username, ID from various OAuth providers. It builds on top of PHPoAuthLib.