Articles tagged #github

Get an invitation for GitKraken
GitKraken is a new cross-platform graphical interface for Git currently in private beta. It has useful features like interactive commit graph visualization, easy branching/stashing, and GitHub integration. The post shares invites to try the private beta version of GitKraken.

Introducing mongo-uri-builder, a Node.js module to easily create mongodb connection strings using objects
The mongo-uri-builder Node.js package easily generates MongoDB connection strings from configuration objects, supporting features like authentication, replicas, and options. It integrates well with config for managing different environments.

Writing a new Extractor for PHPoAuthUserData
This post explains how to add support for Instagram to the PHPoAuthUserData library by writing a dedicated extractor class. It illustrates the concepts of loaders, normalizers and mapping to extract user profile data from the Instagram API.

New PHP library: PHPoAuthUserData
The PHPoAuthUserData library provides a simple interface to extract common user data like name, username, ID from various OAuth providers. It builds on top of PHPoAuthLib.