Articles tagged #security

Using Let’s Encrypt and Certbot to automate the creation of certificates for OpenVPN
This post explains how to use Let's Encrypt and Certbot to automatically generate and renew SSL certificates for OpenVPN. It provides a complete Terraform setup as a practical example.

8 invitations to try is a new service that combines asymmetric cryptography with a social network. It allows users to easily share public keys and authenticate messages by linking keys to profiles on Twitter, GitHub, Reddit, etc. The service provides encrypted messaging and bitcoin wallet pairing to make adopting cryptography seamless.

Reset your MySql server password
Learn how to reset a lost MySQL root password by restarting the server with disabled security checks. This allows resetting the password directly in the database. Useful when locked out but reduces security temporarily.

Symfony security: authentication made simple (well, maybe!)
This post collects resources and provides a graph to understand how Symfony authentication works behind the scenes, from the initial request to the final authenticated token. It clarifies the relationships between key classes like firewall, authentication provider and authentication listener.