Articles tagged #docker

Building x86 Rust containers from Mac Silicon
This article walks through the challenges of cross-compiling a Rust web app from a Mac Silicon machine to an x86 Docker container using musl, RusTLS, multi-stage builds and other techniques to produce a small container image.

Fastify and Preact for quick web app prototyping
This article shows how to quickly build web app prototypes using Fastify for the backend API and Preact for the frontend UI. It also covers how to dockerize the app for easy sharing. Key points are the plugin architecture of Fastify, the lightweight nature of Preact, and the use of htm for defining UI without transpilation.

Simple echo server written in Go, dockerized!
By writing a Dockerfile we can containerize a simple Go echo server app. The Dockerfile installs Go, copies the server code, exposes the port, and defines the command to run the app. Building the Dockerfile produces an image that can be run as a container. The containerized Go app can then be easily distributed and run anywhere Docker is installed.