Articles tagged #http

Introducing flickr-set-get a command line app to download photos
The flickr-set-get command line app makes it easy to download entire Flickr galleries. It uses the Flickr API and Node.js asynchronous programming to download photos in parallel. The post explains the motivation behind the project, the technologies used, and how the asynchronous code works.

Symfony, edit the Response globally using the Kernel Response event
The Symfony HttpKernel Component allows interacting with the response generation through events. The Kernel Response event permits modifying the response before sending it out. Two examples show how to use it to add custom headers and cookies without touching controller logic.

Transparent pixel response with Symfony, how to track email opening
This blog post explains how to implement email open tracking in Symfony using a transparent tracking pixel. It provides code examples for generating a tracking image response and handling the tracking logic in a controller.