Articles from the blog (Page 3 of 7)

Cover picture for a blog post titled Middy 1.0.0 is here

Middy 1.0.0 is here

The middleware framework Middy reached version 1.0, bringing middleware capabilities to AWS Lambda. This allows cleaner handler code by extracting cross-cutting concerns into reusable middleware.

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Cover picture for a blog post titled 2019 - A year in review

2019 - A year in review

Luciano Mammino reflects on his 2019 tech career achievements including conference talks, career moves, open source contributions, and blog posts. He also sets realistic goals for 2020 like finding a new job, releasing Middy 1.0, and getting an advanced AWS certification.

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Cover picture for a blog post titled Lean NPM packages

Lean NPM packages

Learn how to configure NPM packages to publish only the files needed by users, avoiding bloating node_modules folders.

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Cover picture for a blog post titled Fastify and Preact for quick web app prototyping

Fastify and Preact for quick web app prototyping

This article shows how to quickly build web app prototypes using Fastify for the backend API and Preact for the frontend UI. It also covers how to dockerize the app for easy sharing. Key points are the plugin architecture of Fastify, the lightweight nature of Preact, and the use of htm for defining UI without transpilation.

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Cover picture for a blog post titled JavaScript iterator patterns

JavaScript iterator patterns

This article explores different ways to create iterators and iterable values in Javascript for dynamic sequence generation, specifically using functions, iterators, iterables and generators. It provides code examples for implementing the Fibonacci sequence with each approach.

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Cover picture for a blog post titled 2018 - A year in review

2018 - A year in review

A personal 2018 year in review including achievements like migrating my blog to a serverless setup, 8 conference talks, career growth at Vectra, open source contributions, and reflections on side projects. Outlines goals for 2019 like writing more, releasing middy 1.0, and getting advanced AWS certifications.

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Cover picture for a blog post titled A random emoji in your terminal prompt. How and Why!

A random emoji in your terminal prompt. How and Why!

Customize your terminal prompt with Bash PS1 variable and RANDOM function to show a random emoji on each command. Learn Bash arrays, escape sequences, and functions. Emojis make your terminal more fun and keep your morale up during debugging.

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Cover picture for a blog post titled Emerging JavaScript pattern: multiple return values

Emerging JavaScript pattern: multiple return values

This article explores how to simulate multiple return values in JavaScript using arrays and objects. It covers use cases like React Hooks and async/await error handling. The pattern enables elegant APIs but has performance implications.

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Cover picture for a blog post titled AWS Solution Architect Associate exam, my notes and tips

AWS Solution Architect Associate exam, my notes and tips

The AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam covers a wide range of AWS services. This post shares helpful notes and tips for studying key concepts like EC2, S3, VPC, DynamoDB, and more. It provides advice on the exam mindset and lists official and unofficial preparation resources. The notes summarize important details around provisioned throughput, instance types, database replication and more that are helpful to know for the exam.

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Cover picture for a blog post titled AWS Command line: S3 content from stdin or to stdout

AWS Command line: S3 content from stdin or to stdout

The AWS CLI s3 cp command supports streaming content to and from S3 using stdin/stdout with the - argument. This enables powerful pipelines without intermediary files.

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